Gérard Vidalenche biography
Profession: journalist
Born: 8 January 1927, Versailles
Education: Lycée Pasteur, Neuilly-sur-Seine, Law faculty Paris
Diplomas: Law degree, graduate from Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris
Head of financial services then assistant chief editor of La Vie Française(1958 to 1973)
Commentator for ORTF (1967-1974)
Commentator for Radio Monte-Carlo (1975)
Founder and president of the economic and financial magazine, Investir(1974-1995)
President of Société Imprimerie de la Presse (1979-1983)
Vice-president (1977-1982) then
President (1982-1984), then
Honorary president (1984) of the Syndicat de la Presse Économique, Juridique et Politique (union of business, legal and political media)
President (1984-1997), then
Honorary president of the Institut de l’Épargne Immobilière et Foncière
Executive manager and treasurer (1996) of the Institut pour la Recherche sur la Moëlle Épinière et l’Encéphale (bone marrow research institute)
Published works: La Bourse (1957)
Honours: Officier de la Légion d´honneur
Société d´Économie Politique
Automobile Club de France
Past President of Rotary Club, Paris
Vice president of Amis de la bibliothèque littéraire Jacques Doucet